
"Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it."

(Mark 10:14-15)

At First Baptist Nixa, we are passionate about helping children become lifelong followers of Jesus Christ. We believe this happens best through creative, fun, Christ-centered interactions with the living and abiding Word of God. That is why we offer a number of ministry opportunities each week for kids, including:

  • Connect classes for all ages (Sundays @ 9:00 am)
  • AWANA for ages 3-6th grade (Sundays @ 6:00 pm) Note: Not in Summer Months
  • "The Amazing Bible Race" for grades K-6 (Wednesdays @ 6:00 pm) Note: Not in Summer Months
  • VBS 2024 Breaker Rock Beach June 9-12; Sun. 9am & 6pm, Mon-Wed 6-8:30 pm. Meal @ 5:15 pm. 

Childcare is available for ages 0-5 during our worship services and discipleship classes.

At First Baptist Nixa, it is our desire to provide a fun, exciting, and safe environment for kids. All of our volunteers have completed a background check and training in their ministry area.